Glenlair House Restoration

Structural Damage

The first point that needs to be made is that the Trust has no plans for restoration of Glenlair House.

The structural damage inflicted by the fire in 1929, aggravated by the ravages of time and weather, is such that any restoration would involve in all probability a total clearance followed by a complete rebuild. An idea of the parlous state of the building can be seen in the two photos taken recently.

Structural DamageIt is the Trustees opinion that such an act would effectively destroy all tangible links to James Clerk Maxwell and thereby defeat the objects and aims of the Trust. Rather it is the Trust’s intention to preserve as much as possible of the remaining structure, particularly that portion built in Maxwell’s time and under his personal direction – in essence the two storey extension at the West end of the building, currently partially protected by a slated roof.

Although restoration has been ruled out, there are ambitious plans to stabilise and preserve as much of the remaining structure as possible. These plans are covered more fully on other pages throughout the website.

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Future Restoration Plans

Apart from the replacement of one internal lintel in a lounge window and further stabilisation work on the end wall of the original (1842) house built by James’s father John Clerk Maxwell, there are no plans for additional restorative work at this time. The maintenance programme will include repair of wall heads and the like …

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